It took more than two years of trial and error to make the perfect Buckwheat Milk. We knew our milk had to taste amazing, but we also spent countless hours finding simple, clean ingredients that would feel amazing in our bodies, too.
Our star ingredient is North American grown certified organic buckwheat. We are BIG buckwheat fans. Buckwheat is a complete protein and every cup of BAM has at least 4g per serving, plus buckwheat is 100% gluten and grain-free (remember, buckwheat is a seed, not wheat!), and it’s an incredible soil-building crop, making it a star not just for your health, but for our planet’s health, too! Read more about buckwheat here.
When looking for a way to bring a milk-like mouthfeel to BAM, coconut cream was our answer! Most other milks use oils and fillers to artificially add a rich mouthfeel, but we opted for the natural fat present in coconut to do the trick! Coconut cream contains the good-for-you fats: monounsaturated fatty acid including oleic acid and medium-chain fatty acids including lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid. Our organic coconut cream contains no stabilizers or gums, which are present in most others. It adds that velvety texture that makes BAM so delicious!
We played with a lot of sweeteners, from honey and maple syrup to coconut and cane sugar. We landed on this Regenerative Organic Certified Cane Sugar from Florida Crystals®, which is the first and only grower of Regenerative Organic Certified® (ROC®) sugarcane in the United States. We are proud to use just a touch of this ROC® sugar in a couple of our SKUs. Every cup of BAM has just 2g or less of sugar.
Vanilla is popular for a reason! It’s a complex, slightly sweet, rich spice that enhances the taste of our Buckwheat Milk. We use just a hint in our “Hint of Vanilla” option to offer a delightful twist for your tastebuds. While some companies use a “natural vanilla flavor” we knew only REAL vanilla extract would do! BAM uses an Organic Bourbon Vanilla Extract sustainably sourced from the island of Madagascar.
How did we make Extra Creamy BAM extra creamy? Well, unlike most other plant-based milks on the market, we decided oils and junky fillers weren’t for us, so we used the highest quality, best-tasting pea protein we could find and added a touch to our Extra Creamy option. We picked the patented Profectein™ Ultra-Filtered Pea Protein because it was simply the best. In addition to bolstering this flavor to 8g of total protein, this North American-grown, single-origin pea protein is minimally processed, delivers a super clean taste, and helps BAM froth better in your morning latte.
Made from the sap of the acacia tree, we use a teeny tiny amount of this natural fiber to seamlessly marry the fat and liquid in our Buckwheat Milks, which helps deliver BAM’s lusciously creamy mouthfeel.